Hi World!
We thought we'd start a blog about the baby, especially since we had such a good reaction to our wedding website "Yankee and Peach." So, please consider this the site for "Yankee and Peach, Part Deux..."
You may wonder why we're calling the baby by "Baby Peach" instead of "Baby Yankee." Well, as anyone who has read through the forests of literature out there for expectant parents knows, the baby tends to be described as the size of a fruit or vegetable during every stage of fetal development. So, "Peach" just seems to work, since that is the size of what he or she will be soon! (I think we're still in the kumquat stage this week.)
Now, if I can figure out how to post pictures and videos, I hope to have pictures of the baby's recent ultrasounds, as well as a live video on here shortly.
Coming soon to a computer monitor near you: Baby Sinotte's first home video!