Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Do you speak toddler fluently? If so, are you able to decipher what Evie says here? 

Of course, hindsight is 20/20, so now that I know what she was trying to say, it's so very obvious to me.  And I feel like a complete idiot that we didn't figure it out sooner.

This was (by far) the best enunciation she did after 5 minutes of us asking her to repeat the word:

My favorite part:

"Is it food?"

"What is it?"

(The answer is below)









She wanted a SANDWICH! 

That starts with a "C", right?


  1. I thought she wanted Cinnamelts, ya know the cinnamon thing from McDonalds. Haha...she is precious!!

  2. clearly I'm around toddlers a lot because I immediately said sandwich. I had this same scenario happen to me earlier today when Caleb asked me where the jug was. I thought he said duck, then truck, then cup,and finally after he started telling me the context of what he wanted I figured it out. They are so fun and sometimes frustrating at this age.
